August is Doggust


Day 1 Aspen Dog


This month I decided to join in on a Instagram challenge, called Doggust hosted by @dogsinaugust It is a challenge to draw a dog a day in the month of August. Should be fun and it will help me end my Summer of Dogs personal project with a new batch of dogs to use in future projects.


Join the challenge!

Here is day one…Aspen. I first drew it in colored pencil then I did a digital version in a few different angles. If you are not familiar with an Aspen pup, they are called an Aspen, which is short for ‘Asong Pinoy’ (Philippine Dog). This is what we, Filipinos, now call the native dogs of our country.

Thought it would be an unusual pup to draw and I was up for the challenge.

~ Judy


What is an illustrator?